Workbook Answers Of Television--Part II

Sunday 31 December 2017

(i)Synecdoche is the figure of speech used in given lines. Example of the rhyming scheme in the extract is:
So, please, oh please, we beg, we pray;    
(ii) The poet wants the children to read books, to make use of their time, and learn something, instead of watching television, which only wastes time, and kills imagination.
(iii) The given line is important because through this line the poet is able to tell parents about the children living long ago use to read book to entertain them self.  
(iv) The poet says that the reading of books is better than watching television by informing us that when we read books, we learn something, and also get creative, which, watching the television cannot do and by telling the children these we can save them from hypnotism. Yes, his suggestion is practical.

(v)  Television is necessary because in this period, there are many educational, business related, etc, types of shows that can often educate us about the things, that we might not know. There are also new channels that gives us the day to day general knowledge of what is happening around the world. Since although books are the source of entertainment, and knowledge. We can never know about the things happening all over the world without the news on TV. Books can not update us with every day to day events just in minutes.

(i) The poet gives the advice to parents because he says that books can also entertain us, and increases our creativity. He says that, we can also learn something from books.

(ii) The 'dirty looks' as said by the poet in the extract refers to the angry, and annoyed children, who will give cold stern stares to their parents, when they un-install the TV set.

(iii) Despite children screaming, the parents are advised to 'fear not' and remove television because  TV is making children dull, and unimaginative, and he wants to stop this from happening.
(iv) If the youngsters start reading books, they would be actively engaged with the stories. They would be thinking, and imagining the stories on their own, and thus, their brains would become sharper. 
(v)I agree it for some distant but  Since although books are the source of entertainment, and knowledge. We can never know about the things happening all over the world without the news on TV. Books can not update us with every day to day events just in minutes.

(i) 'They start' reading books. The poet uses the exclamation-'oh boy, oh boy', to express the surprise, and amusement, which the parents are going to feel when they see their children reading books.
(ii)  According to the poet, once the television set is removed, and they start reading books, they will eventually forget about the TV set, and start on to enjoy themselves, even while reading books.

(iii) The poet on one hand asks the parents to throw away the "nauseating ,foul unclean, repulsive television screen", on other he asks them to "install a lovely bookshelf on the walls as television are idiotic and books are wondrous.

  (iv)It will benefit the children as If the youngsters start reading books, they would be actively engaged with the stories. They would be thinking, and imagining the stories on their own, and thus, their brains would become sharper.
(v) According to the poet, television is making children unimaginative, because it contains no knowledge at all, and only shows content which contains no educational value, thus, making them unimaginative.